Verordnung 3 des Bundesrats
Der Bundesrat hat am 1. März 2021 den Schutz besonders gefährdeter Arbeitnehmer weiter präzisiert.
Information zu COVID-19 und Adipositas
1. März 2021
Das Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG hat kürzlich zusammen mit der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Impffragen EKIF eine Impfstrategie ausgearbeitet, deren Hauptziel es ist, schwere Krankheitsverläufe und die Anzahl Todesfälle reduzieren. Die Zielgruppe sind daher die besonders gefährdeten Personen, und in der ersten Phase werden innerhalb der besonders gefährdeten Personen diejenigen Personen mit dem höchsten Risiko priorisiert. Im Rahmen der Arbeiten für die Impfstrategie wurde die Literatur erneut gesichtet und bewertet.
Das BAG hat die Liste der besonders gefährdeten Personen (Anhang 7 der COVID-3-Verordnung) per 1. März 2021 nach Zustimmung durch die SGED angepasst und derenWebsite «Besonders gefährdete Personen» dementsprechend aktualisiert.
Information betreffend COVID-19 und Adipositas
20. April 2020
A joint statement by the
Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetology (SGED-SSED)
Swiss Association for the Study of Metabolism and Obesity (ASEMO)
Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (SMOB)
- Based on early data from Asia, patients at high risk of developing severe respiratory complications from CoV-2-SARS infection causing COVID-19 disease include individuals with associated comorbidities (hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disorders, diabetes, disorders and therapies associated with immunosuppression, cancer), and advanced age (for current synopsis see also: Federal Office of Public Health publication RS 818.101.24, supplement 6, pp. 31-33).
- Obesity has initially not been identified as an independent risk factor for COVID-19 disease.
- There is no evidence that the Sars-Cov-2 virus infects more obese patients than individuals with a weight considered to be within the normal range.
- Recent evidence now suggests that patients with severe obesity (BMI ≥35 kg/m2) may be more vulnerable to the effects of CoV-2-SARS infection, and that they are at higher risk of serious complications, including the risk of requiring invasive mechanical ventilation in the event of respiratory failure (1-3).
- Based on these data (1-3), the SGED, ASEMO and SMOB suggest that severe obesity (BMI ≥35 kg/m2; Grade 2 and BMI ≥40 kg/m2; Grade 3) be considered an independent risk factor affecting the outcomes of COVID-19 disease.
- Individuals with severe obesity should be carefully evaluated for the presence of other risk factors and, in the case of suspected CoV-2-SARS infection, priority screening is recommended.
- Patients with severe obesity should be counseled about protective measures to minimize the risk of contracting CoV-2-SARS infection.
- Simonnet A, Chetboun M, Poissy J, Raverdy V, Noulette J, Duhamel A, et al. High prevalence of obesity in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Obesity. 2020 Apr 9. doi: 10.1002/oby.22831. [Epub ahead of print]
- Petrilli CM, Jones SA, Yang J, Rajagopalan H, O'Donnell LF, Chernyak Y, et al. Factors associated with hospitalization and critical illness among 4,103 patients with Covid-19 disease in New York City. 2020. BMJ. medRxiv preprint doi:
- Lighter J, Phillips M, Hochman S, Sterling S, Johnson D, Francois F, et al. Obesity in patients younger than 60 years is a risk factor for Covid-19 hospital admission. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Apr 9. pii: ciaa415. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa415. [Epub ahead of print]